Missing Children Europe Celebrates Mediation Week

Preventing Child Abductions through Cross-Border Family Mediation
Brussels, 9th October 2023 – Missing Children Europe is at the forefront of the fight against international child abductions, a problem that has impacted thousands of families across the European Union. During Mediation Week in October, we are proud to announce the launch of a new website that will give families access to specialized mediators and empower them to find effective solutions to international family conflict.
There are a growing number of multinational couples and families in today’s globalized society. When these couples experience challenges that lead to separation, the risk of child abduction increases . In fact, international parental abduction is the second most common cause of missing children in the EU responsible for almost one fourth of cases reported to the 116000 missing child hotlines. The implications of these abductions are terrible, leaving young people unclear about their future, vulnerable to cultural and linguistic barriers, and cut off from part of their family and heritage.
Fonte: Missing Children Europe